40k Lore Comic: Chaos Space Marines - 6

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To clarify things.

The series is originally in Korean. You can find the Korean version in: post.naver.com/scchoi92

Due to monetisation issues(I was monetising the series in Korea), I discontinued the series in July this year. S3E48: Corvus Corax - 8 is the last one. I will translate the remaining episodes.

The episodes that precede the Imperial Knights chapter(S1E1~S1E107) are based on wiki pages and not coloured. I will not translate those because of potential lore errors. I think it's needless to explain why one shouldn't trust wiki pages wholeheartedly.

Since some of you're definitely gonna ask it: I did contact the GW after the discontinuance, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. But in all honesty, I'm grateful they didn't take any action AGAINST me or the series even though I violated their policy. So please be kind and don't blame the GW for this.

As consumers and fans, yes, you might disapprove of this. But I'm an artist. If I don't respect their right(although I haven't for some time), what can I say when my right is violated? (like if someone "steals" my work, for instance)

And I want to avoid provoking them any further in any way, so if you'd like to support me, don't blame the GW for this, please.

Anyway, I will keep translating the remaining episodes. Hope you guys enjoy them. Have a nice day.


  1. Oh no! I'm really sad to hear that, DongGoolTroll. :( I've really been enjoying this cute, funny, entertaining and informative look at the 40k universe. I understand why you did that, though. All I can say is... I hear that GW may be changing their policy towards fan animations soon, maybe that will include fan comics as well? Please keep an eye out for that, that's my small hope.

    ...also, by any chance did you get to Roboute Guilliman (my favorite primarch) before discontinuing? *sniff*

    1. Well, regardless of GW changing their policy or not, I need to get a full time job first, actually.


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